
(April 2015) What was the first comic book you read? It is hard to say for sure, but it was most certainly something from Disney. The first super-hero story I read was Captain America #253-254, written by Roger Stern and drawn by John Byrne, where Captain fights Baron Blood. I was ten years old and got hooked for life. Who were the first artists to inspire you? Probably Carl Barks and Don Rosa, since their comics were the first I read, although I didn’t know who did them at the time. Later on, I would have to say most of the top artists in the industry from the past few decades. I have closely studied the artwork of many of them. Who inspires you now these days? Definitely Brian Hitch and Sean Murphy. Overall, Everyone and everything is an influence. Even what I don’t like influences me, as I try not to do it! What comics do you currently read? I read anything drawn by Sean Murphy and Brian Hitch. There are several other artists and writers that I follow on an off. I will also pick up different comics at my dealer if the art appeals to me. Recently, that has been happening quite a lot … Continue reading Interview